

70.- Optimizing reaction and transport fluxes in temperature gradient-driven chemical reaction-diffusion systems
M. Loukili,L. Jullien, G. Baffou, R. Plasson*
Phys. Rev. E , accepted (2025)
69.- Surface modifications induced by the laser ablation of surface-bound microparticles at low to moderate fluence level in the ultraviolet
Alexandre Beaudier, Baptiste Marthy, Charles Bouyer, Romain Parreault, Guillaume Baffou, Jerome Neauport*
Optics Express 33, 6359 (2025)


68.- Quantitative phase microscopies: accuracy comparison
P. C. Chaumet, P. Bon, G. Maire, A. Sentenac, G. Baffou*
Light: Science and Applications 13, 288 (2024)
67.- Single-shot quantitative phase-fluorescence imaging using cross-grating wavefront microscopy
B. Marthy, M. Bénéfice, G. Baffou*
Scientific Report 14, 2142 (2024)


66.- Quantitative Microscale Thermometry in Droplets Loaded with Gold Nanoparticles
L. Sixdenier,* G. Baffou, C. Tribet, E. Marie*
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, 11200-11207 (2023)
65.- Anti Stokes Thermometry of Plasmonic Nanoparticle Arrays
S. Ezendam, L. Nan, I. L. Violi, S. A. Maier, E. Cortés,* G. Baffou,* J. Gargiulo*
Advanced Optical Materials , 2301496 (2023)
64.- Dry mass photometry of single bacteria using quantitative wavefront microscopy
M. Bénéfice, A. Gorlas, B. Marthy, V. Da Cunha, P. Forterre, A. Sentenac, P. C. Chaumet, G. Baffou*
Biophysical Journal 122, 3159-3172 (2023)
63.- Uniform Huygens Metasurfaces with Postfabrication Phase Pattern Recording Functionality
E. Mikheeva, R. Colom, P. Genevet*, F. Bedu, I. Ozerov, S. Khadir, G. Baffou, R. Abdeddaim, S. Enoch, and J. Lumeau*
ACS Photonics 10, 1538-1546 (2023)
62.- Wavefront microscopy using quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry: from bioimaging to nanophotonics
G. Baffou
ACS Photonics 10, 322-339 (2023)


61.- Biomass measurements of single neurites in vitro using optical wavefront microscopy
L. Durdevic, A. Resano Gines, A. Roueff, G. Blivet, G. Baffou*
Biomedical Optics Express 13, 6550-6560 (2022)
    ☆ Journal cover
60.- Life at high temperature observed in vitro upon laser heating of gold nanoparticles
C. Molinaro, M. Bénéfice, A. Gorlas, V. Da Cunha, H. M. L. Robert, R. Catchpole, L. Gallais, P. Forterre, G. Baffou*
Nature Communications 13, 5342 (2022)
59.- Cross-grating phase microscopy (CGM): In-silico experiment (insilex) algorithm, noise and accuracy
B. Marthy, G. Baffou*
Optics Communications 521, 128577 (2022)
58.- Optically-assisted thermophoretic reversible assembly of colloidal particles and E. coli using graphene oxide microstructures
J. Puthenveetil Joby, S. Das, P. Pinapati, B. Rogez, G. Baffou, D. K. Tiwari, S. Cherukulappurath
Scientific Reports 12, 3657 (2022)
57.- Cross-grating phase microscopy for nanophotonics
G. Baffou
arXiv , 2112.14924 (2022)


56.- Thermoplasmonics of metal layers and nanoholes
B. Rogez,* Z. Marmri, F. Thibaudau, G. Baffou*
APL Photonics 6, 101101 (2021)
55.- Microscale Thermophoresis in Liquids Induced by Plasmonic Heating and Characterized by Phase and Fluorescence Microscopies
S. Shakib, B. Rogez, S. Khadir, J. Polleux, A. Würger, G. Baffou*
J Phys Chem C 125, 21533-21542 (2021)
54.- Anti-Stokes Thermometry in Nanoplasmonics
G. Baffou
ACS Nano 15, 5785-5792 (2021)
53.- Quantitative phase microscopy using quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry (QLSI): principle, terminology, algorithm and grating shadow description.
G. Baffou
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 294002 (2021)
52.- Are bacteria claustrophobic? The problem of micrometric spatial confinement for the culture of micro-organisms
C. Molinaro,* V. Da Cunha, A. Gorlas, F. Iv, L. Gallais, R. Catchpole, P. Forterre, G. Baffou*
RSC Advances 11, 12500-12506 (2021)
51.- Metasurface optical characterization using quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry
S. Khadir,* D. Andrén, R. Verre, Q. Song, S. Monneret, P. Genevet, M. Käll, G. Baffou*
ACS Photonics 8, 603-613 (2021)


50.- Quantifying the Role of the Surfactant and the Thermophoretic Force in Plasmonic Nano-Optical Trapping
Q. Jiang, B. Rogez, J. B. Claude, G. Baffou, J. Wenger*
Nano Letters 12, 8811-8817 (2020)
49.- Applications and challenges of thermoplasmonics
G. Baffou,* F. Cichos,* R. Quidant*
Nature Materials 19, 946-958 (2020)
48.- Simple experimental procedures to distinguish photothermal from hot-carrier processes in plasmonics
G. Baffou,* I. Bordacchini, A. Baldi, R. Quidant
Light: Science and Applications 9, 2047-7538 (2020)
 ☆ESI highly cited paper in January 2023
47.- Optimal architecture for diamond-based wide-field thermal imaging
R. Tanos, W. Akhtar, S. Monneret, F. Favaro de Oliveira, G. Seniutinas, M. Munsch, P. Maletinsky, L. le Gratiet, I. Sagnes, A. Dréau, C. Gergely, V. Jacques, G. Baffou, I. Robert-Philip
AIP Advances 10, 025027 (2020)
46.- Full optical characterization of single nanoparticles using quantitative phase imaging
S. Khadir,* Daniel Andrén, P. C. Chaumet, S. Monneret, N. Bonod, M. Käll, A. Sentenac, G. Baffou*
Optica 7, 243-248 (2020)
    ☆ Journal cover
45.- Adhesion Layer Influence on Controlling the Local Temperature in Plasmonic Gold Nanoholes
Q. Jiang, B. Rogez, J.-B. Claude, A. Moreau, J. Lumeau, G. Baffou, J. Wenger*
Nanoscale 12, 2524-2531 (2020)


44.- Temperature Measurement in Plasmonic Nanoapertures used for Optical Trapping
Q. Jiang, B. Rogez, J.-B. Claude, G. Baffou, J. Wenger*
ACS Photonics 6, 1763-1773 (2019)
43.- Microscale Temperature Shaping Using Spatial Light Modulation on Gold Nanoparticles
L. Durdevic, H. M. L. Robert, B. Wattellier, S. Monneret, G. Baffou*
Scientific Report 9, 4644 (2019)
42.- Quantitative model of the image of a radiating dipole through a microscope
S. Khadir,* P. Chaumet, G. Baffou, A. Sentenac
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 36, 478-484 (2019)


41.- Photothermal control of heat-shock protein expression at the single cell level
H. M. L. Robert,* J. Savatier, S. Vial, J. Verghese, B. Wattelier, H. Rigneault, S. Monneret, J. Polleux,* and G. Baffou*
Small 14, 1801910 (2018)
40.- GOLD NANOPARTICLES as nanosources of heat
G. Baffou
Photoniques 2, 42-47 (2018)


39.- Optical imaging and characterization of graphene and other 2D materials using quantitative phase microscopy
S. Khadir,* P. Bon, D. Vignaud, E. Galopin, N. McEvoy, D. McCloskey, S. Monneret, G. Baffou*
ACS Photonics 4, 3130-3139 (2017)
38.- Thermoplasmonics
G. Baffou
Cambridge University Press , 320 pp. (2017)
    ☆ Highlighted in Nature Photonics

37.- Isosbestic Thermoplasmonic Nanostructures
K. Metwally, S. Mensah, G. Baffou*
ACS Photonics 4, 1544-1551 (2017)


36.- Plasmonic efficiencies of nanoparticles made of metal nitrides (TiN, ZrN) compared with gold
A. Lalisse, G. Tessier, J. Plain, G. Baffou*
Scientific Reports 6, 38647 (2016)
35.- Light-Assisted Solvothermal Chemistry Using Plasmonic Nanoparticles
H. M. L. Robert,* F. Kundrat, E. Bermudez-Urena, H. Rigneault, S. Monneret, R. Quidant, J. Polleux, G. Baffou*
ACS Omega 1, 2-8 (2016)
    ☆ Highlighted on the CNRS website


34.- Fluence Threshold for Photothermal Bubble Generation Using Plasmonic Nanoparticles
K. Metwally, S. Mensah, G. Baffou*
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 28586-28596 (2015)
33.- Quantifying the Efficiency of Plasmonic Materials for Near-Field Enhancement and Photothermal Conversion
A. Lalisse, G. Tessier, J. Plain, G. Baffou*
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 25518-25528 (2015)
32.- Shaping and Patterning Gold Nanoparticles via Micelle Templated Photochemistry
F. Kundrat, G. Baffou, J. Polleux*
Nanoscale 7, 15814-15821 (2015)
31.- Reply to: "Validating subcellular thermal changes revealed by fluorescent thermosensors" and "The 10^5 gap issue between calculation and measurement in single-cell thermometry"
G. Baffou,* H. Rigneault, D. Marguet, L. Jullien
Nature Methods 12, 803 (2015)
30.- Quantitative study of the photothermal properties of metallic nanowire networks
A. P. Bell, J. A. Fairfield, E. K. McCarthy, S. Mills, J. J. Boland, G. Baffou, D. McCloskey*
ACS Nano 9, 5551-5558 (2015)


29.- A critique of methods for temperature imaging in single cells
G. Baffou,* H. Rigneault, D. Marguet, L. Jullien
Nature Methods 11, 899-901 (2014)
    ☆ Highlighted in The Scientist
    ☆ Highlighted in ACS Central Science

28.- Time-harmonic optical heating of plasmonic nanoparticles
P. Berto, M. S. A. Mohamed, H. Rigneault, G. Baffou*
Physical Review B 90, 035439 (2014)
27.- Deterministic Temperature Shaping using Plasmonic Nanoparticle Assemblies
G. Baffou*, E. Bermúdez Ureña, P. Berto, S. Monneret, R. Quidant and H. Rigneault
Nanoscale 6, 8984-8989 (2014)
26.- Nanoplasmonics for Chemistry
G. Baffou and R. Quidant*
Chemical Society Reviews 43, 3898-3907 (2014)
    ☆ Highlighted in ChemInform

25.- Super-Heating and Micro-Bubble Generation around Plasmonic Nanoparticles
under cw Illumination

G. Baffou,* J. Polleux, H. Rigneault, S. Monneret
Journal Physical Chemisty C 118, 4890 (2014)
    ☆ Journal cover
    ☆ Artwork selected for the front page J Phys Chem Twitter account.
    ☆ Artwork selected for the cover of J Phys Chem A issue of Nov 2015.


24.- Photo-induced heating of nanoparticle arrays
G. Baffou,* P. Berto, E. Bermúdez Ureña, R. Quidant, S. Monneret, J. Polleux, H. Rigneault
ACS Nano 7, 6478-6488 (2013)
    ☆ Journal cover
23.- Three-dimensional temperature imaging around a gold microwire
P. Bon, N. Belaid, D. Lagrange, C. Bergaud, H. Rigneault, S. Monneret, G. Baffou*
Applied Physics Letters 102, 244103 (2013)
22.- Thermo-plasmonics: using metallic nanostructures as nano-sources of heat
G. Baffou,* R. Quidant*
Laser and Photonics Reviews 7, 171-187 (2013)
    ☆ Highlighted in Laser & Photon. Rev. as the 3rd most cited article published in 2013


21.- Quantitative absorption spectroscopy of nano-objects
P. Berto,* E. Bermúdes Ureña, P. Bon, R. Quidant, H. Rigneault, G. Baffou*
Physical Review B 86, 165417 (2012)
20.- Micropatterning Thermoplasmonic Gold Nanoarrays to Manipulate Cell Adhesion
M. Zhu, G. Baffou, N. Meyerbröker, and J. Polleux*
ACS Nano 6, 7227-7233 (2012)
    ☆ Journal cover
19.- Mapping intracellular temperature using Green Fluorescent Protein
J. Donner, S. Thompson, M. Kreuzer, G. Baffou, R. Quidant*
Nanoletters 12, 2107-2111 (2012)
    ☆ Highlighted in Nature Photonics
    ☆ Highlighted in Nanowek
18.- Plasmonic Nanoparticle Networks for Light and Heat Concentration
A. Sanchot, G. Baffou, R. Marty, A. Arbouet, R. Quidant*, C. Girard, E. Dujardin*
ACS Nano 6, 3434-3440 (2012)
17.- Thermal Imaging of Nanostructures by Quantitative Optical Phase Analysis
G. Baffou,* P. Bon, J. Savatier, J. Polleux, M. Zhu, M. Merlin, H. Rigneault and S. Monneret
ACS Nano 6, 2452-2458 (2012)


16.- Plasmon-assisted optofluidics
J. S. Donner, G. Baffou,* D. McCloskey, R. Quidant*
ACS Nano 5, 5457 (2011)
15.- Femtosecond-pulsed optical heating of gold nanoparticles
G. Baffou,* H. Rigneault
Physical Review B 84, 035415 (2011)


14.- Thermoplasmonics modeling: A Green function approach
G. Baffou,* R. Quidant, C. Girard
Physical Review B 82, 165424 (2010)
    ☆ Highlighted in the Virtual Journal of Science and Technology
13.- Mapping heat origin in plasmonic structures
G. Baffou,* C. Girard, R. Quidant*
Physical Review Letters 104, 136805 (2010)
12.- Charge distribution induced inside complex plasmonic nanoparticles
R. Marty, G. Baffou, A. Arbouet, C. Girard*, R. Quidant
Optics Express 18, 3035 (2010)
11.- Nanoscale control of optical heating in complex plasmonic systems
G. Baffou, R. Quidant, F. J. García de Abajo*
ACS Nano 4, 709 (2010)
    ☆ Selected for the Virtual Issue on Plasmonics in ACS Nano


10.- Heat generation in plasmonic nanostructures: Influence of morphology
G. Baffou,* R. Quidant, C. Girard
Applied Physics Letters 94, 153109 (2009)
9.- Temperature mapping around plasmonic nanostructures using fluorescence polarization anisotropy
G. Baffou,* M. P. Kreuzer, F. Kulzer, R. Quidant*
Optics Express 17, 3291 (2009)
    ☆ Highlighted in Laser Focus World
    ☆ Highlighted in Optics & Photonics Focus
    ☆ Selected for publication in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics (VJBO)
8.- SiC(0001)3x3 heterochirality revealed by single molecule STM imaging
G. Baffou,* A. J. Mayne, G. Comtet, G. Dujardin, L. Stauffer, P. Sonnet
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 3210 (2009)


7.- Shaping and manipulation of light fields with bottom-up plasmonic structures
C. Girard,* E. Dujardin, G. Baffou, R. Quidant
New Journal of Physics 10, 105016 (2008)
6.- Topology and electron scattering properties of the electronic interfaces in epitaxial graphene probed by resonant tunneling spectroscopy
H. Yang, G. Baffou, A.J. Mayne, G. Comtet, G. Dujardin, Y. Kuk
Physical Review B 78, 041408(R) (2008)
5.- State selective electron transport through electronic surface states of 6H-SiC(0001)-3x3
G. Baffou, A.J. Mayne, G. Comtet, G. Dujardin
Physical Review B 77, 165320 (2008)
4.- Molecular quenching and relaxation in a plasmonic tunable system
G. Baffou, C. Girard, E. Dujardin, G. Colas des Francs, O. J. F. Martin
Physical Review B 77, 121101(R) (2008)


3.- Anchoring of phthalocyanine molecules on a 6H-SiC(0001)3x3 surface
G. Baffou,* A.J. Mayne, G. Comtet, G. Dujardin, Ph. Sonnet, L. Stauffer
Applied Physics Letters 91, 073101 (2007)


2.- Scanning tunnelling microscopy imaging and spectroscopy of p-type degenerate 4H-SiC(0001)
A. Laikhtman, G. Baffou, A.J. Mayne, G. Dujardin*
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17, 4015 (2005)


1.- Chemisorbed bistable molecule: Biphenyl on Si(100)2x1
A.J. Mayne, M.Lastapis, G. Baffou, L. Soukiassian, G. Comtet, L. Hellner, G. Dujardin*
Physical Review B 69, 045409 (2004)

Books & Chapters

Thermoplasmonics - Heating metal nanoparticles using light
G. Baffou
Cambridge University Press (2017)
Handbook of Metamaterials and Plasmonics (in 4 volumes)
Vol. 4, Chapter 10: Thermoplasmonics
G. Baffou, R. Quidant
World Scientific (2017)
Micropatterning in Cell Biology - Part B
Chapter 10: Fabrication of Micropatterned Arrays of Gold Nanoparticles for Photothermal Manipulation of Living Cells
J. Polleux, G. Baffou
Methods in Cell Biology 120, 155-169 (2014)

Numerical codes

Github account
Github account where many numerical tools developed by the group are provided.
A Matlab toolbox for the processing of QLSI interferograms.
A Matlab Toolbox that computes the optical properties of multilayers (dielectric and metallic), and computes the 3D temperature distribution resulting from light absorption.